Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chocolate Covered Animal Crackers

Tonight (literally about 20 minutes ago) I was sitting in my living room watching tv. My sweet tooth was screaming so I decided to raid the kitchen. Nothing. Well I mean, there was plenty if I didn't mind spending 6 hours at the gym tomorrow burning it off. So I looked to my left and saw a few chocolate cupcakes that my mom had brought home from work. Then I looked to my right and saw animal crackers. Animal crackers? Hmm...

I grabbed the huge tub of crackers I recently purchased at Sams Club and placed it on the counter. Staring at it for a few seconds, while racking my brain, I finally got it. Chocolate Chips! I rustled through the pots and pans to find the double boiler that sat underneath the cabinet. Then I quickly tore open the bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips and placed them in the top of the boiler. When the chocolate finally melted, I dipped the crackers one by one and delicately placed them on the wax paper. For a little twist, I even sprinkled some coconut on a few.

In the freezer they went for about 5 minutes until the chocolate hardened. Then out they came and now was the moment of truth. Did I just waste 10 minutes of my life on something that was only going to taste disgusting? And the answer to that was...NO! I can't even describe how amazing they were. Especially if you're trying to watch your weight and need something chocolately, these are the treats to curb your sweet tooth. Taking all of 10 minutes, the kids won't have to wait and I guarantee you'll be happy too. Enjoy these simply scrumptious treats!

  • Animal Crackers
  • Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • In a double boiler, add about 1 to 1.5 inches of water. Don't let it boil though. When you think it's about to start, then put the top with the chocolate chips on.
  • Stir constantly until fully melted.
  • One by one, dip the crackers in the chocolate and place on wax paper to dry.
  • Then leave them in the freezer for about 5 minutes.


  1. Awesome post. This is showing some good improvements. Nice instructions, the voice is there, and to the point. I love the various fonts. Keep working on developing this blog.

  2. In "Who I Am" on the side, there are some editing things that need to be fixed. "College in Boston, Massachusetts."
