Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bacon Brownies...Umm?

Last Friday, school was just getting out and I was on my way to work. I work at a local primary care office right up the street from the high school. In the office we have this counter space where food is usually dropped off by Prescription Representatives or even friendly patients trying to show their appreciation for the doctors. There is usually never even an inch of counter space that isn't taken up with candy, cookies, cupcakes, or fruit. Edible Arrangements is always a big hit. (Especially if it's a chocolate covered one) But last Friday was different. There was nothing. Nothing except a clear Tupperware container which had obviously seen better days. Inside the container sat a bit sized brownie with what looked to be whipped cream on the top. I just ignored it, sat down at my desk, and started shuffling through what seemed to be thousands of papers. Our Nurse Practitioner walked over to the container and enthusiastically said "One left! One left! Who wants it?!" I just shrunk down in my chair hoping that he wouldn't pick me. He came scuttling over with the container demanding that I try it. I asked what it was and he exclaimed "A Bacon Brownie! They're so good and there's one left that we saved for you." Oh great. I was very adamant on not eating this abomination of a "desert" but I was eventually guilt tripped into it. I took the first bite and wanted to die. This was awful. Everyone was waiting to see my reaction because apparently they all thought it was out of this world. I can assure you, it was not. Apparently it was supposed to be a salty-sweet combo. Chocolate covered pretzels give the same effect and those are actually good. This dessert was definitely NOT simply scrumptious.   

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