Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Not Your Average Waldorf Salad

Yesterday my best friend took me out to dinner to celebrate us both getting into college. We decided to go into the downtown area to Not Your Average Joes; mostly for the bread. If you’ve never been there before, I highly recommend it. It is a chain restaurant but definitely one of the best I have ever been too. The weather was absolutely beautiful so we decided to sit outside by the waterfront. We had a waitress in training that was unbelievably stressed. She spilt our water glasses twice. But nonetheless we were still thrilled to be there.

After watching the movie Food Inc. I made the decision to become a vegetarian. Not until recently have I noticed that there are only a few select things on the menu that cater to vegetarian needs. I immediately was drawn to the salad section where I set eyes on the Waldorf. After reading the description, I knew this would be my choice. It did have chicken in it but I simply asked them to keep it out. Instead, I added some sun-dried tomatoes. Joes’s version was full of chunks of granny smith apples and layered with sun-dried cranberries. There were halves of perfectly ripened red grapes along with clusters of caramelized pecans. Although I didn’t add this, the shredded chicken was described as being grilled to perfection. The salad came with only the greenest romaine lettuce and was drizzled with creamy sherry vinaigrette. But what topped it off was the shredded, smoked, mozzarella. Oh my God. It was absolutely incredible.

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