Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shopping at the Bucket

Yesterday my creative writing class took a "field trip" to one of the town's grocery stores. The two major stores are Shaws and Market Basket. Most locals shop at Market Basket, otherwise known as the Bucket, because of the drastic price difference from the overpriced goods at Shaws. The walk from the high school to the store was a little over 2 miles but it was worth it to get to leave the school for an hour or so. The main purpose of the trip was to look at marketing strategies as to how food industries grab your attention to their product. We also got extra credit if we found something with a spelling error. Once done with that, we decided to grab lunch at D'Angelo's. I didn't see anything too appetizing so I stuck with your average Caesar salad wrap. It wasn't great but definitely better than anything the school cafeteria would have offered. I would have preferred to get lunch at the quaint, natural, food market down the street but time wasn't on our side and unfortunately we had to get back to the school.

Considering the last day of school for seniors is May 20th, it was nice to be able to get outside instead of sitting in the classroom. "Senioritis" (a horrible illness that affects all seniors within the last 2-3 months of school) is setting in and since everyone is pretty much done anyway, I hope to see a few more outdoor field trips in the future. If not, I can always come to my writing class and find my sanity again by escaping from the everyday stresses of high school.

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