Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vegetarian Chili

Even before I started this whole "I'm a vegetarian now" thing, my mom had been making vegetarian chili for years. The funny thing is that I didn’t even know it was veggie friendly until about six or so months ago. The trick? Boca Burgers. I know, I know, fake meat. The normal perception of Boca is fake, gross, or even mysterious but I can honestly say that I couldn’t tell the difference. After I found out that she used Boca, I decided to try in on a bun, you know, like a regular burger. Not a good idea. Boca tastes great in chili but not so much by itself. The veggie ground beef gives the chili more texture than if it were just to have the beans and vegetables. It’s much more filling as well. I dare you to taste the difference.

·        2 (12 ounce) packets frozen Boca vegetarian ground beef (Make sure it says ground beef; they have different flavors. Do Not buy the Boca Chili!)
·        2 (14 ½ ounce) cans Mexican-style tomatoes
·        1 small onion, chopped
·        1 (14 ounce) can kidney beans
·        ½ teaspoon cumin
·        ½ teaspoon chili powder
·        Salt and pepper, to taste
·        A sprinkle of shredded cheese (any kind works)

·        Spray frying pan with nonstick cooking spray.
·        Heat pan, saute onion, and add ground Boca when onions start to brown.
·        Saute Boca and onions.
·        Season to taste with cumin, onion powder, salt, pepper, chili powder.
·        Add stewed tomatoes and continue to cook over a medium flame for about 8 minutes.
·        Add the kidney beans for the last three minutes or until heated through.
·        Let it sit for about 10 minutes to soak up all the flavor
·        Pour yourself a bowl & then sprinkle some cheese on top!

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